Something for you. Issue#1
Photo taken my friend Marcus during our trip to 2025 Sundance Film Festival
Nice to meet you, My name is Matthew and I have something for you.
The something for you newsletter is an email that focuses on 4 things you to help you thrive. Each message includes: 1 insight from me, 1 wallpaper, 1 quote, and 1 question for you to consider.
1 Insight From Me
"Creativity thrives on constraints. Too many options breed hesitation. Too few options spark innovation. The challenge isn’t a lack of tools—it’s the discipline to create within limitations."
1 Wallpaper
During a trip from Park City, UT down to Alamagordo, NM. I saw the most beautiful horses eating as the sun set. I don’t always get to stop and get the shot. I appreciate the moments when I can slow down and take a photo. These are the photos I save for myself that keep me motivated to get out and see the world. Links to download a Phone and desktop version are below.
1 Quote From Others
Filmmaker Robert Bresson on simplicity:
"Make visible what, without you, might never have been seen."
1 Question For You
If your creativity was a muscle, how are you training it this week?
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Until next time,
Matthew Gissentanna