Something for you. Issue#2
Nice to meet you, My name is Matthew and I have something for you.
The something for you newsletter is an email that focuses on 4 things you to help you thrive. Each message includes: 1 insight from me, 1 wallpaper, 1 quote, and 1 question for you to consider.
1 Insight From Me
"If the fountain of youth is in a book, you’re only old when you stop learning."
1 Wallpaper
When I was a kid, I lived in El Paso, TX and spent a lot of time outside. One of my favorite places to go were the deserts in Las, Cruces to see the white sand. The way the sun hit the white sand and created a glow was mesmerizing. I never forgot it. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit White Sands National Park and it has easily become one of my favorite places in the US.
1 Quote From Others
Martial Artist and Philosopher Bruce Lee
"‘Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.’
1 Question For You
What is something unuseful to your goals that you could discard right now?
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Until next time,
Matthew Gissentanna